44 Dream Incubations to Try

Dream incubation is a technique where you focus your thoughts and intentions on specific questions or topics before going to sleep in the hopes of dreaming about them or gaining insight.

Here's a list of dream incubation questions you can use:

  1. What is a solution to [problem] ?

  2. Give me helpful advice for my personal growth.

  3. Help me make a difficult decision about work.

  4. What is the next step in my career path?

  5. Give me insight on a healthy lifestyle change.

  6. What is my deepest desire?

  7. How can I overcome my fear of _______?

  8. Help me reconnect with ________.

  9. Guide me to a wise financial move.

  10. How can I find more balance and harmony?

  11. Give me insight into my past lives.

  12. Reveal a hidden fear that I’m ready to work on.

  13. Show me creative ideas for my upcoming project.

  14. How can I improve my relationships with my family?

  15. What lesson does my deeper mind want to tell me?

  16. How can I become a better communicator?

  17. What helpful step can I take to improve my relationship with _________?

  18. How can I overcome challenges at work?

  19. What creative ideas can help me with my current project?

  20. How can I better manage my anxiety?

  21. What can I do to improve my physical health?

  22. How can I enhance my spiritual growth?

  23. What advice would my role model or a wise figure give me?

  24. What's blocking me from happiness?

  25. What is my true purpose?

  26. Show me making a positive impact on the world.

  27. What's the source of my recurring dream?

  28. How can I express myself more freely?

  29. What part of my life should I let go of?

  30. What can I learn from my past mistakes or regrets?

  31. How can I find a better work-life balance?

  32. What opportunities am I missing, and how can I recognize them?

  33. How can I improve my financial situation?

  34. What is the solution to my current problem or challenge?

  35. What creative ideas can my dreams generate for my upcoming project?

  36. How can I improve my relationships with my family?

  37. Help me understand this person better.

  38. What is the next step on my life path?

  39. What are my deepest desires and passions, as revealed in my dreams?

  40. Help me overcome my fear of ________.

  41. Give me financial guidance.

  42. How can I find more harmony in my life?

  43. What important message is ready to surface right now?

  44. Allow me to feel my true essence.

Write the incubation down using pen and paper and place into a dream box by your bed.

If you are feeling anxious about what you might discover, add “for my highest good.” This will help you dreaming mind to provide you a gentle way to receive the information.

Remember that the effectiveness of dream incubation can vary from person to person, and not every question may yield immediate results. Be patient and persistent, and keep a dream journal to record any insights or dreams that result from your efforts.

Good luck! And may you sleep and dream well.

Have a powerful dream you want to work with?